Sound guide to discover athe songs of 99 birds.
Sound guide to discover athe songs of 99 birds.
Sound guide to discover athe songs of 99 birds.
"Pourquoi l'oiseau chante"" (Why the bird sings") invites us to (re)discover the life of Jean Roché, a great specialist in bird songs and a pioneer in nature recording in France! The watercolors of Serge Nicolle, a very talented animal painter, give an artistic dimension to this beautiful book. Written in French.
Directed by JC Roché, these four CDs present 396 species of bird of Britain and Europe. A reference !
Bon nombre d'audio-naturalistes actuels doivent leur passion à Jean-Claude Roché... Ce coffret restitue les entretiens qu'a menés Bernard Fort auprès de ce pionnier de l'enregistrement des chants d'oiseaux en France. Une vie dédié aux sons de la nature. Passionnant.
Directed by JC Roché, these four CDs present 396 species of bird of Britain and Europe. A reference !