CD in MP3 version to download + PDF booklet "A year with the birds". IN FRENCH.
Single Cd in Europe! A First in Europe! Respectively enquiring at the CNRS and University of Liege, the authors recorded and identified the sound levels of 16 fish species alive in the oceans of the world: the thin ones with the clownfishes, while passing by cods or castagnoles…
CD in MP3 version to download + its Educational booklet in PDF. The CD I listen to the sounds of the mountain allows the sound discovery of all the common animals of the mountain that one can meet while hiking. Accompanied by a 24-page educational booklet for active listening. IN FRENCH.
CD in MP3 version to download + its Educational booklet in PDF. This book presents nature sounds and allows you to discover the sound biodiversity of the seaside. IN FRENCH.
CD in MP3 version to download + its Educational booklet in PDF. The CD I listen to the sounds of the mountain allows the sound discovery of all the common animals of the mountain that one can meet while hiking. Accompanied by a 24-page educational booklet for active listening. IN FRENCH.
CD in MP3 version to download + its Educational booklet in PDF. This book presents nature sounds and allows you to discover the sound biodiversity: birds, mammals, amphibians, insects and natural environments. IN FRENCH.
CD in MP3 version to download + its Educational booklet in PDF. The CD I listen to the sounds of nature presents nature sounds of birds, mammals, amphibians, insects. Complete "I listen to the sounds of nature volume 1". IN FRENCH.
CD in MP3 version for download + PDF booklet. Sounds with comments: The CD Amphibians singers of France presents all the species present in France, Switzerland and Benelux. Complete and exciting. For budding herpetologists and experienced amateurs. Perfect to listen to in the car for example. IN FRENCH.
CD in MP3 version to download. Sounds with comments: identification of wild animals (mammals, amphibians, insects). Perfect to listen to in the car for example. IN FRENCH.
This CD presents 72 species d' birds of the forests on 2 CD. A beautiful booklet.
CD in MP3 version for download + PDF booklet. Sounds with comments: The Oiseaux des jardins de France CD presents 66 species. The comments allow you to discover and memorize the songs of common birds. IN FRENCH.
CD in MP3 version for download + PDF booklet. Sounds with comments: The Oiseaux des jardins de France CD presents 66 species. The comments allow you to discover and memorize the songs of common birds. IN FRENCH.