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In the heart of the night (to download)


Pretty atmospheres recorded at night, in different natural environments.

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45 Items

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Sound recording: F. Deroussen

Duration: 69 '

Chiff-Chaff Collection: Nature Walk

List of tracks:

01 - Midnight for the hulotte - Sound recording: Fernand Deroussen

02 - The owl and the crickets - Sound recording: Fernand Deroussen

03 - The barn owl and the grasshoppers - Sound recording: Fernand Deroussen

04 - The tree frog and the little duke - Sound recording: Fernand Deroussen

05 - Pelodytes and calamites - Sound recording: Fernand Deroussen

06 - Master nightingale - Sound recording: Fernand Deroussen

07 - Les alytes et les lérots - Sound recording: Fernand Deroussen

08 - The bouscarle and the mole cricket - Sound recording: Fernand Deroussen

09 - Le souffle des hulottes - Sound recording: Fernand Deroussen

10 - From the Grand Duke to the Lynx - Sound recording: Fernand Deroussen

11 - The call of the middle duke - Sound recording: Fernand Deroussen

12 - The roe deer and the fox - Sound recording: Fernand Deroussen

13 - The rail and the barnacle - Sound recording: Fernand Deroussen

14 - La rousserolle imitatrice - Sound recording: Fernand Deroussen

15 - Nutria and night heron - Sound recording: Fernand Deroussen

16 - The coot and the gallinule - Sound recording: Fernand Deroussen

17 - L'oedicnème - Sound recording: Fernand Deroussen

18 - The tiny chevêchette - Sound recording: Fernand Deroussen

19 - The time of the slab - Sound recording: Fernand Deroussen

20 - Small wood fire - Sound recording: Fernand Deroussen





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