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Wood and Forests (WAV)


CD in WAV version for download + PDF booklet. Pretty atmospheres recorded in these cathedrals of greenery that are our woods and forests. Booklet in English and French.

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After your purchase we will prepare and send you a link to download:

- sound files in WAV version

- the PDF of the 4-page booklet in English and French

Sound recording: F. Deroussen

Duration: 69 '

Chiff-Chaff Collection: Nature Passion

List of tracks:

1. A blackbird at dawn
2. The owl lament
3. Melodious warbler
4. The master drummer
5. Mid-morning
6. Between earth and sky
8. The messenger of spring
9. A wood pigeon in the foliage
10. The great forest
11. The thrush and the finch
12. In the heart of the thicket
13. The return of the cuckoo
14. First day of heat
15. The musician
16. Rumor of the undergrowth
17. Strange barking
18. Inhabiting leaves
20. The time of the slab

Sur ce thème découvrez également :

Le livre-CD "Ecoutons la forêt !", édité par les éditions LAROUSSE

Le CD "J'écoute les sons de la forêt", réalisé avec l'Office national des forêts




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